is Selenium widely popular test automation tool among developers?
What's special in it? There two key factors play their role: “it is
easy to use” and “it may be adapted to your goals without much
problems and effort.” When agile process took place in the software
development cycle, it brings its pros and cons. Agile processes speed
up overall software development time, time-to-market,
time-to-delivery and finally reduced development costs. On the other
side, to achieve such results, it was important to ensure quality and
efficiency in the testing process. It increases the demand for
automation testing tools. Here comes Selenium and helped developers
as automation testing tool to test web applications.
Why is the tool as much easy? What do you mean by simplicity for automated tests framework?
Selenium web application testing framework allows SeleniumTesting Service Provider to write a script in one programming language and later use them on multiple browser platforms. The things in progress to make WebDriver a part of the W3C standard for all browsers. The efforts are made as browsers will automatically support Selenium. The interesting aspect of Selenium is that it involves testers in testing user interface modules. The framework offers a number of options to test and compare results to make sure the application meets the expected requirements. It's "SENDKEYS" method further translates test scripts in different languages into Selenium understandable way.
Platforms and Browsers supported by Selenium
When you HireSelenium Testers, make sure he/she specialized in the framework since Selenium got the support of multiple platforms and browsers such as:
1. Google Chrome
2. Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 on appropriate combinations of Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. IE 6 is no longer supported. The driver supports running 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the browser where applicable
3. Firefox
4. Safari
5. Opera
6. HtmlUnit
7. phantomJS
8. Android (with Selendroid or appium)
9. iOS (with ios-driver or appium)
Learning Curve
The framework is small yet efficient. If you focus on it completely, you will be able to create a simple test and run it within an hour. Even in a day, you can figure out the best practices. Developers choose selenium due to all such features, and among them, they can also create complex automated tests for the app. In addition to this, a tester can create some extensions that optimize work and make tests more robust in just two days. Although, to make that much out of the framework, make sure you are aware of the following things to create your selenium tests:
1. Dozen of commands like open, click, verifyTextPresent
2. XPath basics (actually you need half an hour to learn them)
3. DOM basics
4. (optional) JavaScript, for extensions creation
Here are some of the top advantages of Selenium
1. Transparency: In SDLC, it helps maintain transparency and agility across the cross-functional teams
2. Fast TTM and TTD: Testers avoid manual testing due to a painful and uncertain process. On the other hand, Selenium testers don't require to write a test for multiple platforms. This saves time and avoids regression testing process that leads to optimized testing and quickens the TTM and TTD.
3. Platform Independent: Save's testers time in writing test scripts for each platform to be tested, the framework supports the principle of writing one test script and runs on any platform.
Why is the tool as much easy? What do you mean by simplicity for automated tests framework?
Selenium web application testing framework allows SeleniumTesting Service Provider to write a script in one programming language and later use them on multiple browser platforms. The things in progress to make WebDriver a part of the W3C standard for all browsers. The efforts are made as browsers will automatically support Selenium. The interesting aspect of Selenium is that it involves testers in testing user interface modules. The framework offers a number of options to test and compare results to make sure the application meets the expected requirements. It's "SENDKEYS" method further translates test scripts in different languages into Selenium understandable way.
Platforms and Browsers supported by Selenium
When you HireSelenium Testers, make sure he/she specialized in the framework since Selenium got the support of multiple platforms and browsers such as:
1. Google Chrome
2. Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 on appropriate combinations of Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. IE 6 is no longer supported. The driver supports running 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the browser where applicable
3. Firefox
4. Safari
5. Opera
6. HtmlUnit
7. phantomJS
8. Android (with Selendroid or appium)
9. iOS (with ios-driver or appium)
Learning Curve
The framework is small yet efficient. If you focus on it completely, you will be able to create a simple test and run it within an hour. Even in a day, you can figure out the best practices. Developers choose selenium due to all such features, and among them, they can also create complex automated tests for the app. In addition to this, a tester can create some extensions that optimize work and make tests more robust in just two days. Although, to make that much out of the framework, make sure you are aware of the following things to create your selenium tests:
1. Dozen of commands like open, click, verifyTextPresent
2. XPath basics (actually you need half an hour to learn them)
3. DOM basics
4. (optional) JavaScript, for extensions creation
Here are some of the top advantages of Selenium
1. Transparency: In SDLC, it helps maintain transparency and agility across the cross-functional teams
2. Fast TTM and TTD: Testers avoid manual testing due to a painful and uncertain process. On the other hand, Selenium testers don't require to write a test for multiple platforms. This saves time and avoids regression testing process that leads to optimized testing and quickens the TTM and TTD.
3. Platform Independent: Save's testers time in writing test scripts for each platform to be tested, the framework supports the principle of writing one test script and runs on any platform.
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